If you have arrived at this blog, you might wonder why "filmguy"... I enjoy films; I watch a lot of films; I will review films on this site; I sometimes act like I am in a film, as if I am being observed from afar... this can be both highly amusing and frightening... try it some time... perhaps this is my answer to a godless universe.
An element of my film-liking is that I named my dog Bergman [after Ingemar, he's a boy]; he is a Jack Russell Terrier and a highly-amusing fellow. For your viewing enjoyment, I offer up a photoshopped picture of him and a short movie-clip:
See, he is a handsome fellow, and kind-of a dork. Oh, video credits go to Melinda, as do original photo credits for the shot of Paris... found here for reference: http://oneofmyears.blogspot.com/2008/04/paris.html
Unfortunately, Bergman has yet to visit the City of Lights, but he will be very cool about it when he does... as he looks in the picture. Oh, credit goes to Melinda for the hat Bergman is wearing; she knit it [it is a child's cap, but I folded it down to look like a tam/beret for Bergman's cool style's sake].
The shot of Bergman was taken by the on-board camera on my IMac; these are a dangerous, but fun, invention, especially when coupled with Photobooth. What Mac user doesn't have 30 or 40 photos of themselves on the desktop, using every filter and option available?
Daily Cartoon: Wednesday, February 5th
3 hours ago
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